Cream Teas & Queuing 1000 pcs Val Goldfinch
Puzzle Number: G7100

Puzzle Description
Cream Teas & Queuing 1000 pcs is a 1000 piece puzzle by Val Goldfinch. It measures 68 x 49 cms when complete and can be made time and time again because of the high quality jigsaw puzzle board which is completely recycled.
This is your true Anglophile's puzzle with Sandwiches and lawn tennis (& strawberries) and all manner of bad eating habits such as a Full English Breakfast and, of course, Cream Teas served at 4 pm sharp. The Full English comes with marmalade and the Cream Tea with actual tea but where, gentle puzzler, is that gruesome gourmand's favourite savoury accompaniment, the jar of Marmite? Made from yeast extract and full of vitamins and a source of vegan delight, Marmite is actually a German invention and is a by product of the brewing process.
All manner of transportation is on display from Stephenson's Rocket which was the first steam engine on wheels allowing for bullet speed travel so long as 30 miles per hour was good enough. Of course the British steam engine became an iconic mode of transportation across the country and peaked in the second half of the 20th century. Trains powered by electricity are the norm today and given how cramped most of the UK is, trains are still a very popular mode of transport. The automobile is there as well such as the Morris Minor which cost 358 pounds when it was first introduced in 1948; that's about $1000 Cdn back then. The Morris Minor was a practical and inexpensive way for the whole family to get around. Of course it wasn't exactly the snappiest of vehicles so in the 1960's the Mini Minor came along which was like going from Steptoe & Son's gasping jalopy to Twiggy's carefree zippy little car invented just in time for the pop revolution.
From north to south all sorts of famous landmarks are in the puzzle whether it's Loch Ness or the Angel of the North which is an enormous steel guardian angel with wings spanning almost 200 feet and was erected in 1998. It sits atop the moors near Gateshead and was designed by the UK sculptor Anthony Gormley. Stonehenge and The Tower of London are in the puzzle as well as Buckingham Palace and the London Eye which is an enormous Ferris wheel built solely for the millennium celebrations but has proven so popular that it is still in operation today and packed to boot and only costs $50 CDN. for a whirl. Each rotation takes about 40 minutes. You should try it at least once.